
An industry recognised Claims Consultant on major and complex global losses, with a particular focus on property and business interruption. Knowledge base is cross class and includes national and multinational companies, captives, insurance and reinsurance. The knowledge gained is imparted to others by training and mentoring insurance industry personnel.
Expert Witness
A diverse background in broking and claims, together with practical experience uniquely enables me to:
Analyse all available information.
To provide an opinion based on the facts of the case and write unbiased and reasoned opinions and CPR35 reports.
Although cross class background, particular areas of specialism:
Property and Business Interruption
Multi nationals and captives .
Utilising my extensive technical expertise gained resolving technical issues and complex claims, whilst managing client and market expectations.
Relevant Expert Witness Courses
Bond Solon
-Report Writing
-Court Room Skills
-Cross Examination
-Civil Law and Procedure